Tuesday, April 9, 2013

æ ø å € ¤ ½ § æ ø å

The title of this post is inspired by the Danish keyboard I'm using at DIS.Example: The bånd Ærosmith is cøøl. :-)


It was a pretty boring day. I went to class, did homework, participated in class, ate food, and went home. I stayed after class to help a friend who is doing a video project for DIS. She needed to interview students about our class. The highlight of my day was running down to Lagerhuset in between classes and buying an emergency pastry and peach tea. I felt much more awake after consuming that sugar. 

At home, we played a game of Hearts and guess who won? This chica. Oh yeah.
   I skyped my parents and then stayed up to hear about the housing lottery results. Every Denison person on Facebook was posting funny Hunger Games related statuses (May the odds be ever in your favor, My last year as a tribute, etc) 
It all worked out, I got an apartment in Pratt (Sunny A) with my friends. That is all that matters. We are together in an apartment. So I was relieved about that. I'm excited for next year. 

My photojournalism class was cancelled because we have a movie screening this evening. So I got to sleep in and take my time getting ready. I made this weird scrambled egg, ham, cheese sandwich creation for my breakfast. I spent some time doing a little homework and then made my lunch. 
On the train and throughout Copenhagen, there are so many young teenagers around. I suspect that it's because they are affected by the Lockout and don't have class. 
One of these days I'm going to take my bike on the train (The 7/11 guy said it costs 12kr) and ride my bike all over Copenhagen. Maybe Thursday. 

Who døesn't love å silly meme about Denmark?

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