Sunday, December 30, 2012


I found out who my host family is! Yay! I was really surprised. I wasn't expecting to find out until January 4th. I went on Facebook and saw Miaja's status about finding out who her family is. I texted both of them and I'm glad they like their families.

My family has two daughters, ages 15 and 18, a horse and a dog, and they own a cheese shop!

Lynhjems eftf. Ole Jensen
Now I can rest my nerves because I will be staying with a great family.

Today Dad and I went bowling. I like bowling until I remember how bad I am at it. I think I bowled like a 60. Then Dad got the cars washed, we got Tim Hortons and went to the library. Lots of driving around Hilliard. 

We got the Halter's cows, cats, and chickens then our horses. Mom made the cheddar brocoli soup that Uncle Donald gave us. I spent the evening watching VH1 Top songs of the 90s and 00s while eating chocolate. Oh yeah.  

Saturday, December 29, 2012


I have a headache. I don't know why but ever since we came back from the mall, I've had a throbbing headache.
Here is my schedule for Denmark:
Monday: Strategic Communication 8:30-9:50 Creative Travel Writing 11:40- 1 International Reporting 2:50-4:10
Tuesday: Photojournalism 11:40-1:00 Human Trafficking in a Global Context 1:15- 2:35
Thursday: Strategic Communication 8:30-9:50  Creative Travel Writing 11:40-1 International Reporting 2:50- 4:10
Friday: Photojournalism 11:40-1:00 Human Trafficking in a Global Context 1:15- 2:35

It's an odd schedule. I have hump day off. That's strange. Most of my classes are in the afternoon. This past semester I had morning classes and I found that to work out better than when I had afternoon classes last year because I would get so sleepy in class. Afternoon = nap time. Just kidding, naps are for babies.

Last night I went and saw Perks of Being a Wallflower with my mom. It sounds like I don't have friends and that's why I saw it with my mom but I do have friends. It's easy to make plans with my mom, she asked if I wanted to see a movie, and she paid. We both really liked the movie. It was much darker than I expected. The day before I saw the movie I bought the book on my ipad for just four bucks. I'm almost done reading it. The book is just as good as the movie. One of the things that I love most about the book is how it is written. It's these short sentences that start with It or I. They aren't long drawn out cryptic sentences. They are simple sentences written at a middle school level. I also like how it's so much more than a high school story. The kids deal with very adult issues and they act like mature adults. I think it's a relatable story, in what the kids go through, a lot of people can relate.

Today we had a clinic at Broad St. It was really busy. This one dog smelled disgusting. That was the most memorable part. The dog that smelled like poop. No seriously. I couldn't breathe, it was so nasty. In the evening after I took a nap (if naps are for babies I'm a baby) we went to the mall. Anyway we returned my boots I bought earlier and a christmas present. We looked and looked for lace up ankle motorcycle boots but no one had them in my size. On our way out we stopped into the Total Comfort store and I saw a pair of boots I really liked. I put them back down but then picked them back up. My mom said that if I would wear them a lot, then she would buy them. I tried them on and I really liked them. Uggs are so soft and comfy. I really wanted them and my parents liked them so they bought them for me. Yay!

I took some acetaminophen and am feeling better. No more headache.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27

Today I woke up at 11:30. Watched Cheer Perfection, ate cereal, and drank coffee. Helped put away Christmas decorations.
Concerning Denmark, I did a lot. I ordered my SIM card from PicCell, got my new iPhone 4S, got it setup, and called Chase to tell them I'm going to Denmark. The woman said she always wanted to do study abroad. I didn't know what to say to that so I just chuckled. I learned there will be a 3% foreign exchange rate added to all charges, and for using ATMs a $5 surcharge. In addition, transactions made Monday won't show up until Thursday. Hmmm...maybe I won't use my debit card very much.

I got the iphone 4s to replace my iphone 4 because it can accept the international sim card. I'm still confused about what the sim card does and why i need to unlock my phone. It sounds super sketchy to "unlock" my phone. I need to read up on that online.
My new phone I got today.

I also booked my two adventure tours today. I'm gong on the Bornholm Bike trip in Denmark and the Sweden Canoe and Hiking Trip. Those will be exciting.

I think when I get there, I'll rent a bike for $130 through I learned Copenhagen is the biking capital. Did you know 1 in 3 people ride their bike to work?

Where I've been living all day. 

I still haven't started writing my cover letters for summer internships.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Gifts for Copenhagen

I received these smart touch gloves. 
The really nice coat I asked my grandma to get me for Christmas. 


List of things to do before I leave:

- contact bank to tell them i'm going abroad
- pack
- buy vitamins
- go to eye doctor
- go to dentist
- pack
- practice skyping with parents
- figure out what to pack
-and more.

picture i found when i did a google image search for packing